Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Dr. Artour Rakhimov is a health educator, breathing practitioner, practitioner trainer, and author of several bestselling books on breathing, oxygen transport, chronic diseases, and application of breathing techniques for treatment of health problems, such as asthma, heart disease, cancer and many others. He teaches and promotes those lifestyle changes and breathing techniques that increase body oxygenation naturally. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is the inventor of the Amazing DIY Breathing Device. He is also the author of the most comprehensive book in English about the Buteyko breathing method and the creator of the world's largest website devoted to breathing, breathing techniques and breathing retraining.

* High School Honor student (Grade “A” for all exams)
* Moscow University Honor student (Grade “A” for all exams)
* Moscow University PhD (Math/Physics), accepted in Canada and the UK
* Winner of many regional competitions in mathematics, chess and sport orienteering (during teenage and University years)
* Good classical piano-player: Chopin, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Strauss (up to now)
* Joined Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in 2001
* Former captain of the ski-O varsity team and member of the cross-country skiing varsity team of the Moscow State University, best student teams of the USSR
* Former individual coach of world-elite athletes from Soviet (Russian) and Finnish national teams who took gold and silver medals during World Championships
* Total distance covered by running, cross country skiing, and swimming: over 100,000 km or over 2.5 loops around the Earth
* Author of the most comprehensive book in English (“Normal breathing: the key to vital health”) about the Buteyko breathing method and one of the largest world’s website devoted to breathing training (www.NormalBreathing.com)
* Buteyko breathing teacher (since 2002 up to now) and trainer
* Health writer and health educator
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