Entertainment may be a style of activity that holds the eye ANd interest of an audience, or offers pleasure and delight. It may be a concept or a task, however is additional possible to be one among the activities or events that have developed over thousands of years specifically for the aim of keeping AN audience's attention.[1] though people's attention is command by various things, as a result of people have totally different preferences in recreation, most forms square measure identifiable and acquainted. Storytelling, music, drama, dance, and totally different varieties of performance exist all told cultures, were supported in royal courts, developed into subtle forms and over time became accessible to all or any voters. the method has been accelerated in present time by AN show business that records and sells recreation merchandise. recreation evolves and might be custom-made to suit any scale, starting from a private UN agency chooses a non-public recreation from a currently huge array of pre-recorded products; to a banquet custom-made for two; to any size or sort of party, with applicable music and dance; to performances supposed for thousands; and even for a worldwide audience.