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Scropion vs cricket
8 months ago
Is it a butterfly or leaf_ As the name suggests_ this creature is in fact both. The dead leaf or oak leaf butterfly(Kallima Inachus) has evolved to perfectly camouflage within the tropical forests of Asia. The
2 years ago
Mantis love eat crickets
2 years ago
You guys wanted to see the molting time-lapse of this Arabian fat tailed scorpion from _es_exotics so here it is. Watch how the little invertebrate manages to squeeze its entire body along with its limbs and ta
2 years ago
This white orchid mantis is an actual beast. Instead of eating one fly at a time_ this guy straight up catches two at once_ Devouring them alive with shear efficiency and prowess_ mantises truly are formidable
2 years ago
While it looks like rather docile creature_ giant diving beetle is actually a carnivorous insect with a viscous appetite. Capable of hunting prey much larger than itself_ these predators use their unproportiona
2 years ago
As tarantulas mature into adulthood_ their molts become less frequent_ but also more complicated and lengthier. This Brazilian Whiteknee may take several hours to complete the process as an adult_ reserving pat
2 years ago
A strange looking_ yet common species found throughout India is the Common Baron. The caterpillar is known for its peculiar looks_ sporting an odd array of green spines that actually match certain leaf markings
2 years ago
This species of insect has quite the special relationship with people. The larvae of dermestid beetles are crazy good scavengers_ able to feed on numerous natural tissues and fibers from deceased animals. Such
2 years ago