Aaron Kheifets

I'm Aaron and I'm a comedy writer/director/performer/internet guy. You can find more of me at www.AaronKheifets.com You can find less of me pretty much anywhere else on the internet, except here: twitter.com/privatelanguage

Aaron Kheifets is a comedian, writer and director. He is a contributing writer for the Onion News Network and is one half of the webseries Boners 101. He has performed at Bonnaroo, written and directed shorts that have aired on Comedy Central and won numerous awards including "Best Film" at the New York 48 Hour Film Festival. He also runs and hosts A-Side/B-Side at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. Other credits include the Wall Street Journal, MTV, College Humor TV, and the cult phenomenon Mortified. Still, his finest moment was becoming a finalist for Playboy's Mustache of the Year.