Health & fitness

Healthy body makes healthy life so, if you want to be happy than take care of yourself.
#healthybody #makes #happylife
Initially there are four main factors which everyone should follow in order to achieve their personal best. The first thing to remember is that your body will only function at its full potential if you provide it with the best fuel to run on. Eating the right foods and banishing junk food, will set your body up with the best start by providing it with the essential nutrition. This requires a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein and fat, in larger amounts, provides our bodies with energy, helps with growth and maintains our bodies. While vitamins and minerals, in smaller quantities, are also necessary for your body. Water, although does not fall under a nutrient, is essential for healthy living and body function. While eating healthily is important, you should also consider the portion sizes. It is also important that you do not skip meals, as this is in fact counterproductive.

Exercise and fitness

The second most important factor which should be considered is regular exercise. This does not necessarily require intense gym workouts, however, the more exercise you incorporate the best results you will be able to achieve. Most specialists suggest a minimum of an hour of daily gentle exercise, to include walking, jogging and running. Not only will the exercise assist with keeping your lungs and heart, but it shall also keep your blood flowing. If you prefer an activity then both cycling and swimming are good options and cause less stress on joints. This will mean that your muscles are worked and you are able to burn the energy which you have taken in during eating. Although gentle exercise will not particularly target specific muscle groups or help with sculpting or toning, it will help improve general health.
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