Lost Continent Off the Coast of Brazil

  • 11 years ago
There is a lost island off the coast of Brazil.

A team of researchers working off the coast of Brazil has found what appears to be part of a sunken landmass.

Over 900 miles south east of Rio de Janeiro, researchers from the Geology Service of Brazil, the Oceanographic Institute at the University of Sao Paulo and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology have taken rock samples from 8 thousand feet below the surface.

The unusual mineral composition of the rock samples suggests that they might be left over from the time of Pangaea, when all the land on earth was connected in one continent.

Director Roberto Ventura Santos from the Geology Service of Brazil said. "It is unusual because it is granite rock. And you don't find granite on the seabed. It is more usual to find it on the mainland. We began to see that the area could be a piece of the continent that disappeared into the sea millions of years ago.”

The rock samples are distinct from their surroundings, which means that the area may have once been an island.
