Afghan police step up as foreign troops leave

  • 11 years ago
As NATO troops continue to withdraw from Afghanistan, security is increasingly in the hands of Afghan forces. By next year, there will only be 34,000 US soldiers in the country, which is almost half of the current number of troops there. Other countries including Britain and Australia are also pulling out their troops. The Afghan National Security Force is now in charge of the strategically important city of Bamiyan, as well as Helmand and Kandahar provinces. The UK Government says the force is responsible for the safety of nearly 90 percent of the population. The Afghans lead nearly 80 percent of security operations in the eastern and southern regions of the country, according to ISAF. 90 percent of Afghan security forces are trained by their compatriots. However, Taliban fighters continue to target members of the Afghan forces. There are fears their numbers might be scaled back, when international financial aid shrinks after 2014. Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab reports from Ka
