Pakistani schoolgirl begins new school in the UK

  • 11 years ago
It's a day Malala Yousufzai has been waiting for. Five months after the Pakistani teenager and advocate for girls education, was shot in the head by the Taliban - she is back in school - only this time in England, not far from the hospital where she had surgery to rebuild her skull.

SOUNDBITE: Pakistani Schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai saying:

"I think it's the happiest moment that I am going back to my school. And today, I would have my books, my bag and I would learn, talk to my friends, I will talk to my teacher and I think there is no important day than this day."

Her harrowing ordeal has only made her more determined to prevent others from the same fate.

SOUNDBITE: Pakistani Schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai saying:

"I want to learn about politics, about social rights and about the law. I want to learn how to bring change in this world and how should I work for the happiness and education of girls.

Ruth Weeks, Headmistress Of Edgbaston High School for girl