• 5 years ago
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Vanessa Lively first found her voice in the realms of art and painting - as one may notice from the evocative imagery she wields - but music was always on the edge of her palette. She was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, and has lived in many places and traveled extensively.

Lively, who now resides in Austin, Texas, has been quite busy creating music for the last few years. While living in
Ecuador, she recorded her debut album "Let Me Rise" (2007). One year after it's release, she and her husband Jason Lively went to Northern England to record the next album "A Chain Unbroken" (2008). Talented musicians and friends leant their talents and spirits to the full, rich sounds heard on both albums. In April 2010, Lively released "Canto y Cantera" which pays tribute to singers and songwriters of Latin America, with a special dedication to Mercedes Sosa and the Nueva Canción song movement. She is currently working on her fourth studio album that will be released in 2011.

Lively was recently honored by the mayor of Austin who proclaimed December 17th as "Vanessa Lively Day" in Austin, Texas.

"I'm really excited to see where music can take us," says Lively. "I am always looking for new ways to express myself. Music is beautiful in that it brings people together and can change lives. That, to me, is the most important thing."

Brought to you in association with Never Hungover. and Build-A-Sign.

Audio and video production by Capital Media Corp. Austin, TX
Producer - Joe Lynch. Sound Engineers - Nick Smith and Doug Dewey

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