Woman Allegedly Drowns Child Due to His Genital Size

  • 11 years ago
A woman drowns her own child due to his genital size.

Police in Jakarta, Indonesia are dealing with an unthinkable case. Law enforcement authorities are ordering psychological tests on a 38-year-old mother who allegedly killed her own child due to the size of his genitals.

She filled a bathtub with water and bound her son. Then she drowned him. Following the terrible crime, she dressed the boy. The mother then picked up her older daughter from school and went to the station to tell officers what she had done.

She asked them to check on the boy, but he was pronounced dead at the scene. The mother was soon arrested.

A police spokesperson states “We haven’t found another motive. So far, the only thing we know is that she killed her son because she was ashamed of the size of his genitals and she was afraid that he would not have a good future.”

Late last year, a 33-year-old mother in Cardiff, UK was convicted of killing her child. She beat her 7-year-old son to death and then burned his body in July of 2010.

The child was apparently having trouble memorizing passages from the Koran, which was the main reason behind his tragic death. The mom now faces life in prison.
