Bingo Game Among Seniors Turns Violent

  • 11 years ago
A fight breaks out at a bingo game.

You probably wouldn’t expect a bingo game to get violent. According to a police report, two ladies in Portsmouth got into an altercation over the selling of Avon beauty products during a bingo game for senior citizens.

Officers responded to the community room of a senior housing complex following a complaint of some pushing and shoving between two women. Apparently one lady was upset that another female was selling cosmetics during the game, essentially disrupting the proceedings.

Police handled the dispute and left the scene but they were called back two hours later by a third party who wanted to press charges.

In 2009, a senior citizens center in New Mexico became the scene of a fight. During a bingo game, three elderly women, two aged in their 60s and one in her 80s began physically fighting over nickels paid for a card.

The scrappy trio was suspended from the center for 90 days. A witness stated “We're all old ladies. It's too sad to see these old people trying to grab each other’s face or hair.”
