End Time Revelations - Ancient Secrets Revealed From Sumerian Texts And The Bible

  • 11 years ago
www.InnerCircle.us is where Dr. Scott McQuate teaches never-before-seen End Time Revelations uncovered from ancient Sumerian texts and the Bible. Discover the truth you've never heard before and get real answers to questions like 'Who built the pyramids and why are they important to you?' 'Why were the ancient Sumerians so significant to us today?' 'What End Time secrets have been hidden beneath the pages of the Bible and never known to Scholars?' 'What was hidden within the Ark of the Covenant and what does it have to do with your DNA?' What secrets have only now been uncovered about UFO's and Orbs?' 'What has the government hidden from you regarding the planet Saturn?' 'What is the real reason for the struggle between the sexes?' 'What secrets have been concealed about the end of the world?' 'What and where is the Holy Grail?' 'What is the truth about planet X or Nibiru?' 'What do the letters YHWH representing 'God' in the Bible really mean?' 'What secrets of DNA have been hidden within the ancient texts?' and much, much more. Join the Inner Circle now by going to www.InnerCircle.us and learn what you've never heard before and discover secrets that are not available from any other source on the planet...guaranteed.
