Gold Coin Dealer Silver Coin Dealer DON'T FALL FOR THIS SCAM!!

  • 11 years ago

Okay, this really pissed me off! And, before we go to emails I wanna tell you about this. Because...this really got under my skin. And, I think you need to know about this. Because these and silver coin dealers. You know the guys advertising on all the billboards. TV. Radio. All of that stuff. You know who I'm talking about.

I called one of these guys. And the "sales man," and I use that term loosely. "Salesman." Because I want to invest in gold and don't know much about that and I wanted to get some insight and you know start the process of learning about this stuff. But from the moment this guy answered the call, he was...he totally talked down to me!

He said, in a very condescending tone "Oh, well, what's to research? All you need to know is there are serious investors waiting to talk to me right now. Have you seen the price of gold and silver lately? Don't you know a smart investment when you see it?" And he went on and on and on. And he basically lectured me! He lectured me! He told me, they only sold a certain type of coin...and if you don't have $5,000 $10,000 minimum...He said, "if you don't have at least that much then you're not qualified to talk to me and we should just hang up right now!" That's what he said! That's what he told me, folks!

Now let me ask you, who does business like this? I...I couldn't believe how insulting he was. And if you've ever called one of these coin companies you know exactly what I'm talking about. And if you do call, you better have some really, really thick skin. And I feel sorry for the uninitiated because if you're not careful these guys will shake you down for thousands before you even know what hit you!

Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me? I was pissed. I told the guy to screw off! And I hung up. I wasn't that polite though.

If you're thinking about investing in gold and silver...You want to avoid that and run the other way. You want to do your due diligence. You want to work with someone you can trust. You want to call Nick Repke at All Access Financial...because he doesn't pull crap like that. Ok. He's honest, has integrity and he and his partner have over 50 years experience in the gold and silver markets. I mean, that's the kind of company you want to work with. If you're looking to buy or sell gold, silver, coins, bullion, or sell your jewelry, you need to call Nick today.

1-800-840-9585. Call him right now - Nick Repke, All Access Financial, 1-800-840-9585 And I promise you folks. I promise you...Nick will take care of you. Like he did for me. And none of that boiler room BS! None of that!