World's Most Famous Postal Dog - Owney

  • 11 years ago
Meet the world's most famous postal dog named Owney.

A stray terrier dog was taken in by the Albany, New York Post Office and became one of the most famous and well-traveled canines of the late 19th century.

Owney the dog reportedly accompanied shipments of mail across the country to all 48 states in the continental United States, and he also traveled for four months internationally.

The Post Offices he visited attached tags to the dog to signify all the places that he had been to, and he and he supposedly collected upwards of a thousand tags over the years.

He died in 1897 and has gone down in Postal Service legend, while his remains are on display at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

Another dog that acquired legendary status because of its traveling exploits is Bobbie the wonder dog, who traveled over 25 hundred miles to his home in Oregon after being lost on a road trip to Indiana back in 1924.

The family returned home without the dog, and six months passed before Bobbie showed up on the doorsteps of his Silverton, Oregon family’s home.

There is a local holiday dedicated to Bobbie, and a mural in downtown Silverton of Bobbie the wonder dog’s incredible story.
