False Propaganda Destroyed RE: Two Faces on Blasphemy Law Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri.

  • 11 anni fa
Dr.Tahir ul Qadri destroys DAWA TV False propaganda Two Faces on blasphemy Law
Truth Revealed !! Dr Tahir ul Qadri destroys False Propaganda about Two Faces on Blasphemy Law

سیاق و سباق سے جدا کرکے تین گھنٹے کے دورانیے کو آدھ پون گھنٹے کا کرکے ابتدائیے اور متعلقہ وضاحتوں کو کاٹ کر عامۃ الناس میں بدگمانیوں پیدا کرنے
کے لئے منظم طریق سے پھیلایا۔ یہ اسی طرح ہے جیسے قرآن حکیم کی یہ آیت کریمہ لاَ تَقْرَبُواْ الصَّلاَةَ وَأَنتُمْ سُكَارَى.

النساء، 4 : 43

''اے ایمان والو! تم نشہ کی حالت میں نماز کے قریب مت جاؤ۔''

کا آدھا آخری حصہ کاٹ دیا جائے اور کہا جائے کہ دیکھو قرآن کہہ رہا ہے کہ ''نماز کے قریب مت جاؤ'' آپ ذرا تحریف کے مرتکب اس شخص کے ایمان کا اندازہ کر لیں

The following pic briefly clarifies the situation: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151183875024090

1. Is the punishment applicable on non-Muslims or not?

In the beginning Dr Sahib is saying that blasphemy is not applicable on non-Muslims. This is a part of a scholarly briefing in which he presented view points of different Islamic schools. In this part of the briefing he was presenting the view of Hanafi School as he presented other's views also during the talk. In the other clip he is stating his own opinion and judgment about the matter in which he is saying that this punishment is applicable to non-Muslims also.

2. About the Zia ul Haq reign:

Besides Zia ul Haq's repeated requests, Dr Sahib didn't join his cabinet. But when there was a case in the court about what is the punishment of blasphemy in Islam, and scholars were not able to prove anything convincingly, he gave arguments with a 14 hours talk and proved that in Judaism, Christianity and Islam the punishment of blasphemy is death. When court was about to announce its decision, Zia suddenly made this law for some political point scoring. But as per the Procedural Law, it needed many improvements. In other words, Dr Sahib fought the case of blasphemy law in Zia's reign, but he wasn't a part of his government.

If you wish to sincerely know the reality of the position held by Shaykh ul Islam Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, then please watch his entire lectures on this topic:

Part 1 (5 hour long lecture!):


Part 2 (7 hour long lecture!!):


Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri terms Danish media prejudiced for its criticism of Blasphemy Law

