Hearing: 5 Future Technology Innovations from IBM

  • 11 years ago
In 5 years, computers will hear what matters. Hearing systems of the future will be trained by ‘listening’ to sounds and will use this input to start detecting patterns and building models to decompose sounds. Machines will be used to predict when a tree might fall or to translate “baby talk” so parents understand if a baby’s fussing indicates hunger, tiredness or pain.

Every year IBM makes predictions about 5 technology innovations that stand to change the way we live within the next 5 years. See all IBM 5 in 5 predictions at http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibm_predictions_for_future/ideas/index.html?cmp=0&cm=v&csr=0&cr=dailymotion&ct=yt5in5&cn=5in5_sound