Wild Wolves of Yellowstone

  • 12 jaar geleden
Wild Wolves of Yellowstone..

Thanks to a controversial but very successful reintroduction program, wolves are now back in Yellowstone after an absence of almost 70 years. Several dozen wolves were captured in Canada and turned loose in Yellowstone In March 1995. Those animals have done remarkably well, reproducing at a rapid rate. Packs are now located in various parts of the park. Wolves prey on a variety of species, notably elk in the Yellowstone area, but will also pursue moose, deer, sheep and other animals.

Although wolf packs have wandered outside Yellowstone, the best place to see them Is in the Lamar Valley between Mammoth and Cooke City. Get there very early in the morning when it's still dark, park your RV In a pullout and listen very quietly. Chances are good you'll hear them howl, and you may see them in this vast open sagebrush area as they hunt for breakfast. At this time, it will be tough to see them outside the park, although there are often consistent sightings around Nye and Fishtail, Montana. Inquire locally for updated information.