Online Self Defense Training 005 - The Gas Station...Really?

  • 12 years ago

Perhaps you've taken a martial arts program or 2, but know that there is a difference concerning the things you've learned and a real fight? There is an ancient proverb in the self defense community which says, "Pride goes Before The Fall." No matter what style of martial arts system you're training in, whether it be Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, or one of the numerous other systems, really having the ability to handle a street fight and just thinking you are able to aren't the same thing.

In case you are involved in any career where you have an increased risk of being attacked, learning the correct way to defend yourself is a smart choice. Most likely you're not a cop or guard, nevertheless understanding how to take care of your self in the event of a violent attack can help everyone.

To be able to handle yourself there's no need to worry about bulking up like a bodybuilder. You don't need to be larger or stronger than your attacker, all you have to do is learn the proper way to deal with situations that may get you in trouble. If you don't wish to use a knife or pistol, you do not have too, self-defense is not about hurting or killing assailants, it's a way of handling challenging circumstances by being mindful of your surroundings and mastering key self-defense skills. If your interest is piqued, you are about to be taught some techniques that may help you handle a potentially dangerous situation.
