Who Is Binyamin Netanayhu?

  • 12 years ago
Who Is Benjamin Netanayahu?
Truce Agreement that the Israel Gov't Torpedoed

Netanayhu Questioned About Loyalty by Israeli Parliament in 1996
Scroll down for the English text.

Benjamin Netanyahu – introduced as Benjamin Nitai

Netanyahu Sees Pope, Looking To Jerusalem
February 04, 1997
Sara Netanyahu accompanied her husband, and the Pope (John Paul II), who was born in Poland, told her, ''You look like a Polish girl,'' recalling the Polish origins of several former Israeli leaders.
''I am,'' she replied.
And her husband added, ''After six generations in Jerusalem.''

Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great
It is one of the five orders of knighthood of the Holy See.

In 1998 Rupert Murdoch was made a Knight Commander of St Gregory.

"A very large anthropological study, various genetic studies, a demographic-historical research and a historical-geographical one were published in the 21st century and are detialed in the book "Brother shall not Lift Sword Against Brother" as well as in brief in The Engagement booklet. All these studies reinforce an earlier work of David Ben-Gurion (the first prime minister of Israel) and others, in their very surprising finding:
a solid majority of the Palestinians (80%-90%) are descendants of People of Israel who remained in the country following the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple. The ancestors of most of the Palestinians were forced to convert, mainly to Islam."

Most of the Palestinians are Jews? (Part 1)

"Israeli peace activist: Hamas leader Jabari killed amid talks on long-term truce
Gershon Baskin, who helped mediate between Israel and Hamas in the deal to release Gilad Shalit, says Israel made a mistake that will cost the lives of 'innocent people on both sides."

Benyamin Netanyahu: From Wash DC to Tzfat to Rome. Why?

Netanayhu was also in Tzfat on the day that Ahmed Jabari was assassinated. He was supposed to lay the corner stone for the permanent medical school in Tzfat. It has been asked: Why?
The links below are in Hebrew:
The permanent campus is not scheduled to be built for another three years.
It was a "virtual cornerstone laying ceremony" under heavy security.
What was that all about?
