Students in Hot Water Over Teacher's Topless Photo

  • 12 years ago
Students are punished after viewing a topless photo of their teacher on a school issued iPad.

In Anderson, Indiana, several middle school students got themselves into trouble after viewing a topless photo of their female teacher.

A 13-year-old boy claimed that he along with three other friends were playing a game on a school-issued iPad, when they pressed a button and the racy photo appeared on the screen.

The children showed the picture to a school official and surprisingly, they all landed in hot water, because according to a school employee, the policy on technology usage had been violated.

Two students were suspended, one was expelled while another got off with a warning. Apparently the teacher’s iPhone had somehow synched to the iPad and authorities claim it was just an accident. The teacher will keep her job, leaving parents outraged at the punishment .

Earlier this year, a similar report surfaced, but the repercussions were debatably justified. An elementary teacher, working part-time at a Catholic school in Ohio was fired for allegedly posting nude photos of herself online.
