Woman injured chest pains from airbag deployed in accident

  • 12 years ago
Moncton Fire , Ambulance NB and Codiac RCMP responded to an accident with injuries at the corner of Lester and Victoria around 11:35 A.M. this morning. Airbags were deployed and a woman was transported to hospital with chest pain due to the airbags. Raining lightly at the time of the crash and 1 tow truck was needed at the scene.

http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?ctid=4366 Free Police Fire and Ambulance SCANNER, listen in , shoot it , upload it , and watch the discussion, be sure and invite Friends & Family to Newschaser Group...just click on the little speakers to the left opens in new window, listen to 1 or all 4 at once. Thanks to Jeremy Quillian let's see if he can hit number 1 in North America for most listeners AGAIN :)