FIT MUM 18 Minute Celebrity Workout Preview Niki ConikiTV

  • 12 years ago
Niki's FIT MUM Celebrity Workout will get you into a bikini body in about 18 minutes a day when coupled with one of our REAL diets. Designed for celebrities and our special friends who want to get awesome results in minimal time and when combined with our whole food eating plan you will tone muscles as your unwanted fat just disappears. It's not about losing fat, instead it's about doing things that prevent you putting it on in the first place ! Never forget that !

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Niki's FIT MUM Workout

Sissy Squat Sandbag Overhead Press x 6 reps RHS

2. Sissy Squat Sandbag Overhead Press x 6 reps LHS

3. Sandbag Bent Over Row Booty Thrusts x 6 reps

4. Sandbag Apart Together In Out Fist Plank

5. Pullover Sit Up & Press x 6

REPEAT for 6 rounds !

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