Real Life Sleeping Beauties Marry Suitors

  • 12 years ago
Exhibit Features Sleeping Beauties That Marry Suitors - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Artists are always pushing our boundaries of imagination.

A new art display at the National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kiev has gone far beyond eccentric with their Sleeping Beauty exhibit. It runs August 22nd through September 9th, and features five “sleeping beauties”. Each female sleeps on a raised bed for three days, offering men the opportunity to kiss her awake, but with a catch. Each man is allowed only one chance and only on her lips, and if she opens her eyes during the kiss, they are bound by contract to marry one another. Organizers hope they will produce a legitimate “love connection”.

Earlier in the month, an art show at The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC also addressed the marriage theme. A bride married and divorced 7 different suitors in an attempt to challenge established views of marriage on who can marry, and how disposable it can be.
