Japanese Embassy Under Tight Security in Beijing

  • 12 years ago
The Japanese embassy in Beijing has a heavy layer of security today, as protests rage outside the building. The protests are in response to Japan detaining 14 Chinese activists who landed on one of the disputed Diaoyu islands yesterday. Japanese media said today that Japan will deport the group if they have not committed any other crimes.

Tokyo lodged a complaint with the Chinese ambassador over the intrusion. At the same time Beijing demanded the activist’s immediate release.

Beijing and Tokyo have conflicting claims over the uninhabited islets, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. The islands are thought to have large oil deposits underneath them.

Tensions over the territorial dispute have escalated in the past months. In July, the Japanese government announced it is considering purchasing the islands from its owners to end the dispute.

Hong Kong-based China analyst, Willy Lam, believes tensions could climb from here, but rules out any military action.

[Willy Lam, Adjunct Professor, Chinese University]:
"I don't think this will lead to military confrontation because I think there's a good agreement between two governments to avoid military clashes at all costs. However, I think the climate will worsen, the confrontation will certainly be scaled up in the forthcoming months."

The United States, meanwhile, has called for calm.

[Victoria Nuland, U.S. State Department Spokeswoman]:
"We expect the claimants to resolve the issue through peaceful means … Any kinds of provocations are not helpful in that regard."

This is not the only conflict that China has had of this nature. China is ramping up its military assets in the East China Sea, to defend the territory it sees as its own.
