Cell Phones & 900 Megahertz frequency Diminishing Bee Population Study

  • 12 years ago

Ved Prakash Sharma and Neelima Kumar of Punjab University compared the behavior and biology of honeybees in colonies exposed to cellphone radiation and those unexposed to it. Two GSM cellphones of 900 Megahertz frequency were placed in call mode on two sidewalls of the bee hive, while two control colonies were left unexposed to cellphone radiation. The test colonies had an exposure for 15 minutes, twice a day, during the period of peak bee activity for three months. "A significant decline in colony strength and in the queen's egg-laying rate was observed. The behavior of exposed foragers was negatively influenced by the radiation exposure," the study states.

The duo analyzed the phenomenon of what is known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). While several factors affect the honeybee, the electromagnetic field induced by cell towers are unraveling to be a prime concern. "The bees became quiet and still or confused as if unable to decide what to do. Such a response has not been reported previously," the study said.

Bees, which have magnetite in their bodies, utilize the earth's magnetic field to navigate. Cell tower radiation interferes with this process.

Such conclusions have been drawn earlier too by Dr Sainudeen Pattazhy, a professor of Zoology in Kerala's S N College in his last year's study along the same lines. His widely-referenced report states, "In one experiment, a mobile device was placed adjacent to bee hives for ten minutes for 5 to 10 days. After a few days, the worker bees never returned home. The massive amount of radiation produced by towers and mobile phones is actually frying the navigational skills of the honey bees and preventing them from returning to their hives."
