The Backwaters of Kerala & More - India Wow!

  • 12 years ago
This video covers February 28, 2011. Join us on a cruise on a motor launch through the subtropical backwaters of Kerala and Lake Vembanad, one of India’s top holiday destinations. Our leisurely ride of about 2 ½ hours is compressed into less than 15 minutes, just long enough for you to sense the other worldly beauty of the place. As we ride we will see plenty of boats, many different kinds, including, notably the famous “house boats of Kerala.”At the the luxurious Kumarakom Resort we are served a gourmet lunch before heading back.

On the ride back to Cochin (now officially Kochi) we once again experience extremes in living standards. Our first stop is at a traditional coir manufacturing facility. Coir is the fibers found inside palm coconut shells. All production is done by hand. Most of the workers we see manage somehow to look almost serene and cool as they wind, weave, and store coir. Our last stop before heading for our hotel is at the grounds of the luxurious Taj Hotel in a modern section of Cochin. We see the preparations for another fancy wedding. This time, same as at Odaipur, guests are arriving by yacht.

This video is Part 13 of our India Wow! Trip. Our Travel Diva Hessie + old "ad" himself (tony to you) of ad Guida Video Productions went on location in India in February 2011. All video was taken on location on February 28, 2011. Same is true for photos except as noted.

In Part 14 we will once again head into Fort Cochin before heading back…back…back. That will be the finale of our so very memorable “India Wow! Adventure.

This video was recorded in HD, 16:9 aspect, by ad Guida Video Productions. Rights are reserved. Non-commercial downloads are ok. Anything else please contact a d Guida Video Productions @

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