Turkey closes border with Syria

  • 12 years ago
Turkey plans to shut all border crossings with Syria, in response to escalating violence in its southern neighbour.

Syrian rebels seized control of several gates on the Syrian side of the frontier over the last week as their 16-month-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad rages.

Seen here, amateur video purports to show a powerful explosion in the Syrian city of Rastan.

Another video, said to be shot in Homs, shows heavy shelling.

Reuters cannot independently verify the content of the videos, mainly due to Syrian media restrictions.

The Turkish closure will halt the passage of vehicles between Turkey and Syria.

Refugees from Syria, who have been fleeing into Turkey by the thousands to escape the conflict, cross the border through smuggling routes.

One of them, Abu Hassan, welcomed Turkey's decision.


"I think this is an appropriate decision. Turkey is making the decision to protect its border as well as to protect us,"

Tensions along the border were fuelled last month when Syrian air defences shot down a Turkish military reconnaissance jet.

Sarah Sheffer, Reuters
