Leading the Horse off the Pasture

  • vor 12 Jahren
After grazing on the pasture the horse has to be lead back to the stable to either stay in its loose-box or be groomed and ridden. The rider has to catch the horse on the pasture and apply halter and lead-rope to be able to lead the horse off the pasture. In many cases, the horse is already wearing its halter. Most riders don't take the halter off so that it is easier for them to catch their horse and hold on to it on the pasture. To get the horses attention on the pasture, call its name and offer some treats. The rider has to make sure to stay on the left side of the horse when attaching the lead-rope to the halter. The rider has to stay on that side when leading the horse off the pasture. Having the horse on the right hand side is proven to be the safest way.