PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720/8 Flying to the Cloud with Free-to-Play - Unscripted Access Episode #13

  • 12 years ago
PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 (or rumored Xbox 8) to follow free-to-play business model while utilizing cloud technology, Seth Killian takes his talent to Sony Santa Monica, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale to make appearance during 2012 San Diego Comic-Con, and much more gaming news and nonsense that listeners have come to expect with Unscripted Access.

The Gamer Access is back again to discuss the recent acquisition of Gaikai by Sony for $380 million and discuss what this could mean for the next PlayStation and hint at for the next generation of consoles. Could we see the idea of owning a video game console dying off after the next lineup of consoles? Will Gaikai offer more than a gaming restricted experience on PlayStation's next console? Listen as we go in-depth and discuss what we expect to take place in the upcoming years when Sony and Microsoft hit the market once again to duel it out.

There is much more covered this week on Unscripted Access, but we will leave it to your ears to find out the rest. As always we wrap up the show answering the various questions received from our last episode from our dedicated audience who enjoyed Unscripted Access Episode #12. Unscripted Access commence!



