Missing Bollywood Actress Laila Khan Shot Dead? - Bollywood News

  • 12 years ago
Missing Bollywood actress and Pakistani starlet Laila Khan shot dead claims Jammu and Kashmir police. Here's a shocking revelation done by the prime accused. Watch the video to know more. Subscribe now and watch for more of Bollywood Entertainment Videos at http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rajshri. Regular Facebook Updates http://www.facebook.com/RajshriDotCom. Twitter Updates https://twitter.com/#!/RajshriDotCom. Follow us on google plus: https://plus.google.com/u/1/b/111699328828561769924/posts . Get some more dose from http://www.rajshri.com/. Watch more http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82E2F4C0F81BFADE&feature=view_all for the latest bollywood film reviews, makings & trailer.
