Classic Game Room - REALSPORTS TENNIS for Atari 2600

  • 12 years ago
40'z and love in the hizzouse! Classic Game Room HD reviews REALSPORTS TENNIS for Atari 2600 VCS video computer system. Break it off some bitches, it's tennis! The Real Sports series of sport related cartridges on the Atari 2600 were a more "advanced" series of sports titles that brought video gamers in the early 80's closer to their favotire atheletic events than ever before. While they can be picked at today for being crude, games like RealSports Tennis show how far Atari games had advanced from 1977 to 1983. RealSports Tennis is not a bad game by any stretch, it's actually quite impressive and offers some exciting tennis gameplay. You can play one or two player games, play the CPU, name your character and set the game speed to fast or slow. Realistic tennis scoring and graphics that looked like people (instead of Pong blocks) greet those players willing to take a shot at RealSports Tennis. This silver label cartridge for the Atari 2600 is an easy and affordable find today, as are the other RealSports games like Soccer, Football and Baseball. So check it out, have you played yourself out with Virtua Tennis on the Sega Dreamcast? Then sock it to the Atari 2600 and go for blood with RealSports Tennis on the Atari 2600. Classic Game Room HD reviews Atari 2600 games because CGRHD is an Atari 2600 reviewer reviewing Atari games. This RealSports Tennis review has gameplay footage from this classic old school 1980's arcade style sports game cartridge.
