Classic Toy Room - TAUNTAUN Star Wars toy review

  • 12 years ago
Classic Toy Room reviews the original TAUNTAUN Star Wars toy from The Empire Strikes Back released in 1980. The Tauntaun is used as a mode of transportation on the ice planet Hoth by Rebels looking to defeat the empire and travel across the barren ice fields. Frequently misspelled, Ton Ton, the tauntaun is a two legged creature with a tail and little arms that resembles a horse mixed with a ram. In The Empire Strikes Back a tauntaun was cut open by Han Solo in order to keep Luke Skywalker warm overnight when they were trapped outside unable to reach Echo Base! Wrrrorrraaarrrr!!!!!!! It was their only hope. This toy captures that moment with a cut open belly and a saddle that Star Wars figures can use to ride the tauntaun into combat!!
