Classic Game Room - ENCOUNTER AT L-5 for Atari 2600 review

  • 12 years ago
Classic Game Room HD reviews ENCOUNTER AT L-5 for Atari 2600 from Data Age released in 1982. This science fiction shooter from Data Age has you blasting Megalytes (or something silly) with an anti-matter cannon (which makes silly awesome) in space whilst defending the peace loving colonists of L-5 (who are rad). Shoot down d-bag aliens for points and watch their pixel ships evaporate with the cheers in the head. Encounter at L-5 is a cool take on that tried and true Space Invaders style of gameplay This CGR review of Encounter at L5 has gameplay from the Atari 2600 cartridge, Encounter at L-5 showing video game play with Atari 2600 footage in HD.
