High Performance Academy Brendon Buchard

  • 12 years ago
Hey everybody this is Brendon Buchard author of the number one New York Best-time selling Book Million Dollar Messenger and founder of High-Performance Academy, and I got some hot news for you. I have a new book coming out, the new book is called “The Charge” - activating the ten humans drives that make you feel alive! And this book is all about what's it going to take for you to feel fully alive, engage, productive, confident and connected in today's crazy world. You know we are in time and place in our lives where so many of us have everything - they say we're supposed to feel energized and fulfilled in life. You know we've got sustenance, we got safety and we've got security - and you know we've got enough Starbucks to fuel a spaceship. But many of us don't feel fully energized, engaged and fulfilled with what we're doing. Why?