MDC activists "attacked" by Zanu-PF loyalists - 29 Apr 2008

  • 12 years ago
Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker reports on the victims of an attack by the supporters of Zimbabwe's ruling Zanu-PF party.

Jonothan Marikita was attacked as he slept in his home with his wife and one year old child who were also hurt.

Marikita was attacked with an axe, maimed and left unconscious to die.

Takesure Chingamawhe, another MDC supporter who was also attacked by supporters of Zanu-PF is lucky to be alive.

Both victims spoke exclusively to Al Jazeera from his hospital bed in Harare as elsewhere in the capital 200 other supporters of the Opposition MDC party were released from prison.

Many of those released from prison have nowhere to go because their homes have been burnt down.
