Classic Game Room - DUX for Dreamcast review

  • 12 years ago
Classic Game Room reviews DUX for Sega Dreamcast, a 2009 "indie" release for the game console that won't stop rocking! This CGR review of DUX for Sega Dreamcast from and Kontechs has gameplay from Dux, a horizontally scrolling space ship shooter or "SHMUP" for Sega Dreamcast where you fly a spaceship against endless waves of alien scumbags! Cool visuals, awesome music and a fun R-Type style make Dux a treat to play for serious fans of the genre. While the game could have used more options the overall presentation is "indie" and slick while still being playable and fun. Region-free, Dux works on all game consoles (CGR was not able to confirm this on a PAL Dreamcast though), it outputs NTSC and VGA video. Plays with the standard Dreamcast controller or arcade sticks and saves your high scores on Dreamcast VMU card. Dux is a fun space ship shooter in the side scrolling Shmup genre and proves that the Dreamcast has many more years ahead of it!