LIVE - Mondial Du Vent 2012

  • il y a 12 ans
Du 7 au 15 avril 2012, Leucate accueille la 16ème édition du Mondial du Vent. Etape incontournable pour l'élite du Kitesurf et du windsurf, cet événement est l'occasion unique de voir évoluer les meilleurs athlètes de ces deux disciplines.

The worldwide event Mondial du Vent will be held from April 7th to 15th in Leucate in France and will host the best kitesurfers and windsurfers.
First kitesurf and windsurf meeting in France, it has now assert its position as an international event in these disciplines.
The best athletes will be attending this 16th edition with their best tricks and possible speed records.
PKRA, French Stop : Leucate will host the best freestyle specialists riders as Youri Zoon (Ned), Alex Pastor (Spa), Sébastien Garat (Fra), and Gisela Pulido (Spa).
Orange Speed Crossing race : A fight for victory with headliners holding a number of records, like Alexandre Caizergues (3rd fastest man on water) or Antoine Albeau, current holder of the Speed and Slalom Windsurf Championship titles.

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