Transformation Truth: The Grind

  • 12 years ago
The Diet Solution Program
Truth About Abs Be a Fit Fast and Strong All-Natural Athlete. Episode 6 of Chris Krueger`s Transformation Truth. The Health and Fitness vlog that separates fact from fiction and gives you the truth. It`s all abut how to achieve true & health and fitness and dispelling the ridiculous myths and bogus supplements that the \"health and fitness\" industry spend millions of dollars try to brainwash us with. Honest, up front and shooting from the hip. Chris Krueger injects reality into a world gone mad. Transformation Truth by Chris Krueger. This is the vlog that separates fact from fiction and gives you the truth so that we can grow our mutual understanding of True Health and Fitness, so that you can look, feel and be your best. Sure is great to have ripped abs, bouncing pecs and biceps with veins in them, but transforming your body is really about an inner change and a care and commitment to being your best. It this blog I talk about the grind of obesity and the grind of being skinny fat, weak and lacking self-esteem and the confidence to be your best. If you set goals to be fitter, faster, and stronger and pursue them with the Heart of a Champion, everything else will naturally fall into place. Be your best. Best, CK PS: Music by Galaxy Farm get their EP on itunes. TSC Heart of a Champion Torrent Official