Jayna Murray at Lululemon

  • 12 years ago
Bethesda Bethesda TV http://themediamama.com/
Lululemon celebrates Jayna Murray1 year later Can we learn from this tragedy? Yes.. we can learn to stay connected, to be aware of our surroundings and to take the right actions. No one knows if the 2 people who heard the screams had called 911 if Jayna Murray would be alive today. We do not know if the police could have helped her, what we know is that these folks did not call the 911.

Just do it, this could have anyone's friend, daughter, sister or mother or even one of us. An important part of being part of a community is looking out for one another. Bethesda is a great town, stay connected. Enough said.

Remembering Jayna Murray, one year later
By Michael S. Rosenwald Washington Post
