Wang Lijun Could Change China's Power Transition

  • 12 years ago
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And new reports about Wang Lijun say he may have told US officials about a coup attempt orchestrated by his boss Bo Xilai and another Communist Party official, Zhou Yongkang. One of NTD's senior China analysts weighs in about how the Wang Lijun case is changing the dynamics of the Chinese Communist Party's next leadership transition.

Wang Lijun is the former police chief of Chongqing who fled to the US Consulate and asked for asylum two weeks ago. He has now disappeared into the Chinese Communist Party's internal security apparatus.

But his case is still shaking up the Party's sensitive, once-in-a-decade power transition that will happen this fall. And it could even bring about the biggest political change within the Chinese Communist Party—the CCP—in more than 20 years.

[Chen Zhifei, NTD Senior Analyst]:
"It has great implications for the Party Congress, how it will be played out later this year."

At the heart of the issue is a power struggle between two competing factions in the Party. One faction is led by the current head of the CCP, Hu Jintao. The other, more hard line faction is led by former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

Wang and his boss, Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai, belong to Jiang's faction. Wang's scandal is widely believed to have ended Bo's ambitious political career. And it may now involve another member of Jiang's faction, Zhou Yongkang.

Overseas Chinese news website has reported that during his stay at the US Consulate, Wang told US officials about a possible coup attempt spearheaded by Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.

According to Boxun, the attempt to seize power would mean getting Bo Xilai to take Zhou's position when he retires later this year. Bo would then be in a position to demand power from the next leader of the CCP, Xi Jinping.