Clashes in Greece over bailout demands

  • 12 years ago
Clashes erupt once again in Greece after union demonstrations in front of the Greek parliament turn violent.

Police fire teargas as black-masked protesters throw petrol bombs, stones and bottles in central Athens' Syntagma Square.

At least two officers were injured and three protesters were arrested.

Thousands of workers had responded to calls from private and public sector unions for a 48-hour strike to protest against proposed tough austerity measures.

Euro zone finance ministers have called on Greece to commit to the sweeping reforms and push them through Parliament to convince them to release a new financial bailout.

But many Greeks, who already suffering from five years of recession, are furious about the measures which are likely to heap more misery on the country's beleaguered economy.

Parliament will vote on the new bailout agreement on Sunday or Monday and it is expected to pass, despite opposition from many politicians.

Besides the two-day strke, unions have also calld for a protest outside the parliament on Sunday to coincidee with the voting of the bailout agreement.

Sunita Rappai, Reuters
