Shelley Penney | Waiora Lawsuit | Waiora Class Action Lawsuit

  • 12 years ago Learn the facts behind Shelley Penney and her attacks on Waiora including her four person Waiora class action lawsuit. Visit our website:

This information is presented by the Waiora Truth Squad, a group of very successful and dedicated Waiora distributors who are completely disgusted with the lies and dirty marketing being employed by a few people and see the need to expose these people and answer their lies. This IS NOT a Waiora company website. This IS a group effort and their website will continue to be updated and expanded, so check back often for the latest information.

Shelley Penney Rewrites History and Changes Her Story
This is really an impossible task for Shelley Penney because she spent so many years marketing NCD and telling people how excellent the product is and collecting testimonials from people helped by Waiora's NCD.
