Gorgeous George & The Giant Geriatric Generator Children's Book Promo

  • 12 years ago
Gorgeous George & The Giant Geriatric Generator by Stuart Reid
Read by the author, Stuart Reid with illustrations by Calvin Innes.

Bogies, baddies, bagpipes and bums! Farting, false teeth and fun!

Gorgeous George and the Giant Geriatric Generator begins when George witnesses something rather disturbing from his bedroom window late one night. Maybe it was a UFO or a ghostly apparition, or maybe it's even more sinister. Whatever it was, nobody believes him. People are disappearing fast and no one seems to care.

On sale now from all good bookstores as well as online. http://www.mylittlebigtown.com/mylittlebigstore/childrens-books/1-gorgeous-ge...

Check out the Gorgeous George Homepage: http://www.mylittlebigtown.com/gorgeousgeorge
