Nokia N9 video review

  • 13 years ago - The Nokia N9 was announced earlier this summer as Nokia's new flagship smartphone. Unfortunately, its reign did not last very long, as it was usurped by the Lumia 800 Windows Phone 7.5 smartphone in October, and the N9 was discontinued. The N9 features some very interesting hardware and software design concepts though, and the Lumia 800 borrows heavily from the N9's hardware design. Nokia built the N9 out of a single piece of polycarbonate, and the curved Gorilla Glass display melds directly into it. It has no seams and no doors, and is very attractive, while being durable at the same time. The N9 runs Nokia's MeeGo Harmattan operating system, which is unlike anything else on the market. Requiring zero hardware buttons, MeeGo uses swipes and gestures to navigate the software. It is very smart and intuitive, and attractive to boot. It's a shame that Nokia has decided to discontinue development of it for business reasons. The N9 is available now in limited markets around the world, though not the U.S. or UK.

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