Style Guide: Making the Most From Clothing You Already Own - Women's Style

  • 13 years ago
Style Guide: Making the Most From Clothing You Already Own - as part of the Women's Style series by GeoBeats. You have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear? You are not alone. There is a statistic that states that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. Well, there is a three step problem-fixer to this. First, it is eliminating, second, organizing, and third, play dress-up. No, really. So you want to start by going into your closet and getting rid of things that are stained, irrepairable, or that you know you are never going to wear. Perhaps it is hopelessly out of date, or unflattering, uncomfortable or you never really liked it to begin with. So get rid of it. And be honest with yourself. I know it is hard to let go of certain things, but letting go can be very liberating. Next, you want to organize your closet in such a way that you can see exactly what it is that you have. So, say you start with your tops. You may want to hang them according to sleeveless, short sleeved and then long sleeved, or organize them by color. Whatever makes sense to you. Then, you want to do that also with your dresses, your skirts, your pants, etc. Now to playing dress-up. Grab an item that you have always wanted to wear but just did not take the time to pair with things. Hold it up. Say it is a blouse. Hold it up to your pants, and your skirts and pull out things that you think might work with that blouse. Try them on, and you never know, you might have come up with a combination that you never have considered. Now you have something to wear.