Removing Fleas on Dogs

  • 13 years ago
Removing Fleas on Dogs - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. One of the best ways to check for fleas is rolling your dog over and looking at her belly, or his belly. That is usually where fleas go to first, the lower part of the belly. You want to look for little flecks of dirt, which look maybe like sand, black sand. You want to take some of those flecks of dirt; wet a paper towel, a white paper towel, and drop some of those flecks of dirt on that wet paper towel. If they turn a rust color or a blood color then you know your dog actually has fleas; and what that is, is called flea dirt. So, if your dog has fleas, I believe that one of the best ways of dealing, and the most efficient way of dealing with flea protection as well as elimination is using products like these. Fibroguard is a great product, it actually works. There are a couple of others on the market. You want to go with maybe Frontline or Advantix, one of the two of them. You really should shake them up, you should not use the same product continuously, because it will stop working.