'More deaths' in Syria uprising

  • 13 years ago
Syria's pro-democracy protests are showing no sign of easing.
Nor is the deadly government backlash to crush them.
The content of this amateur video could not be independently confirmed by Reuters.
Syrian authorities expelled most independent media when the uprisings erupted in March.
The video posted on a social media website appears to show a series of mass demonstrations, all said to have taken place in several cities after Friday prayers on September 23rd.
Activists say 11 protesters died when Syrian forces fired live ammunition to disperse the crowds.
They said reports from witnesses on the ground suggested nine of the casualties were in Homs.
Another two were killed in Damascus.
The United Nations says at least 2, 700 people have been killed so far, 100 of them children.
Authorities say 700 police and army personnel have lost their lives at the hands of what they call terrorists and mutineers.
There've also been allegations of reprisals against activists and their families.
President Bashar al-Assad has pledged reforms and has changed some laws. His opponents say the measures have made no difference.
Paul Chapman, Reuters
