Cervical Spine Epidural Steroid interlaminar sitting pain management education

  • 13 years ago
Cervical Spine Epidural Steroid interlaminar sitting pain management education. An epidural injection is used to inject medication into the epidural space around irritated spinal nerves. Spinal nerves can be irritated by herniated or degenerative discs, facet joint osteophytes, enlarged ligaments or traumatic or infectious inflammation. The injected medication can include local anesthetic, slow-release anti-inflammatory steroid and opioid pain-relieving medication. Epidural injections can be diagnostic or therapeutic, as pain management education. The amount of immediate pain relief from the local anesthetic is diagnostic of which nerves are a source of your pain. This information will assist with the selection of further treatment options. Once the source of the pain is known, therapeutic injections can be given to provide pain relief. Steroids act as an anti-inflammatory to decrease pain and swelling. Cervical Spine Epidural Steroid interlaminar sitting pain management education.
