Miss India International 2010 Neha Hinge Works Hard For Luv U Soniyo! – Latest Bollywood News

  • 13 years ago
Miss India International 2010 Neha Hinge Works Hard For Luv U Soniyo! – Latest Bollywood News. Sexy Miss India International Neha Hinge will be making her Bollywood debut in the movie Luv U Soniyo opposite Tanuj Virwani. According to a reliable source, for a song shoot Neha had to wear a skimpy dress during the cold weather of South Africa. Check out the video to know how Neha coped up with this situation to give her best shot. Regular Facebook Updates http://www.facebook.com/RajshriDotCom. Visit us at http://www.rajshri.com for the latest bollywood film reviews, makings & trailers.