How Can Meditation Improve Relationships? - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
How Can Meditation Improve Relationships? - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Meditation is such a wonderful tool to help you improve your relationships . Meditation teaches us to pause, before we react. And so many times relationships fall into these tired, habitual patterns of I say this, and he says that, and she says this, and sometimes you think you do not even have to finish the conversation because you know how it is going to end up. With meditation, you learn to experience what is happening in the present moment and get rid of those tired old stories and those habitual patterns of thinking. And you can pause before responding and perhaps respond in a different way. In a kinder way. In a wiser way, and thereby improving relationships. It allows you to hear the other person because you are not practicing your response. You are experiencing what they are saying and then responding to what they are saying rather than what you want them to hear. Really, really important for that relationship. Couples can meditate together, families can meditate together, parents can meditate with children. Children very, very young start meditating. Obviously they do not necessarily meditate for hours, but it is a habit that is really important.
